Soundmirror latest news, awards, and information.
The Vault
What should we keep in the vault? Gear? Grammy awards? Lunches?
Recording Clara Osowski in Minneapolis
A balmy -8F degrees outside our control room at Ted Mann Concert Hall in Minneapolis. Send warm thoughts to Blanton and Jacob!
Come on in!
Take a tour of our new building in Lowell with Chief Engineer Mark Donahue.
Audio Yard Sale
In case you haven't heard, we're hosting a yard sale on Tuesday the 14th! 6-9PM. 76 Green St, Jamaica Plain. Cash and credit cards accepted. Items include Sony R100 consoles, Tascam MX2424...
Hello, Lowell!
It's official: after 53 years in Jamaica Plain, Soundmirror is moving. Yesterday, we purchased a beautiful, 1920s classical-style building in downtown Lowell, Massachusetts. We are so excited about...
67th GRAMMY Nominations
We're incredibly fortunate to work with artists who play and sing so beautifully, and who compose and conduct so brilliantly. We hope you enjoy these albums which today received nominations for the...