“The choir has been recorded in sound of stunning depth and realism. The singers themselves make an imposingly sonorous sound, whether singing softly or full out. However, Blanton Alspaugh and his Soundmirror colleagues have recorded them with great impact and have then gone further. They have enhanced the vocal sound by capturing the acoustic of the St Nicholas Monastery Church superbly and have used it to enrich the music by surrounding it with a halo of resonance. Yet the resonance has been ‘tamed’ through shrewd microphone placement so that the sound is never diffuse or fuzzy; clarity has been achieved, as has warmth and presence. Earlier, I referred to the Soundmirror guys as engineering wizards: they’ve cast a really potent spell this time; sonically, this is a fabulous recording. (I listened to this SACD in stereo; I should imagine that those listeners who are equipped for surround sound will achieve even more exciting, immersive results.)” -John Quinn

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