Recording Porgy and Bess in Philadelphia

We’re recording the Philadelphia Orchestra’s performances of Porgy and Bess this week! Mark and Dirk are engineering with Job Maarse producing and assisted by Christina Gembaczka. Mark Donahue, Job Maarse, and Christina Gembaczka

Grammy Wins!

Congratulations to our own Blanton Alspaugh for winning Producer of the Year, Classical! We’re also thrilled for the Houston Chamber Choir’s win in Best Choral Performance with their Duruflé: Complete Choral Works recording! We’re humble to work with...

El Milagro del Recuerdo

Check out these stunning photos from our resident photographer and wireless specialist, Brandon Johnson! We recorded the Houston Grand Opera’s production of “El Milagro del Recuerdo” back in December.

Recording in Scotland

We’re kicking off the new year with sessions in Glasgow, Scotland! Blanton and Mark are recording this week with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra for a John Mauceri adaption of “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.”